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StarTech.com 2 Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 UART (PEX2S553)


StarTech.com 2 Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 UART (PEX2S553) - Serial adapter - PCIe low profile - RS-232 x 2 - for P/N: BNDTB10GI, BNDTB210GSFP, BNDTB310GNDP, BNDTB410GSFP, BNDTB4M2E1, BNDTBUSB3142

Manufacturer: StarTech.com
Item Inso: 2017068
Sku: PEX2S553

2 Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 (PEX2S553).

As this text is supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over its language.

Product DescriptionStarTech.com 2 Port Native PCI Express RS232 Serial Adapter Card with 16550 UART (PEX2S553) - serial adapter - PCIe - RS-232 x 2
Device TypeSerial adapter
Form FactorPlug-in card - low profile
Interface (Bus) TypePCI Express
PortsRS-232 x 2
Dimensions (WxDxH)12 cm x 10.5 cm x 2 cm
Weight61 g
Data Link ProtocolRS-232
System RequirementsMicrosoft DOS, Microsoft Windows 95/98 Second Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP Embedded, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows CE 5.0, Microsoft Windows CE 6.0, Microsoft Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009, Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Windows Server 2019, Apple MacOS X 10.4 - 10.10, Linux 2.6.x to 4.11.x LTS versions
Manufacturer Warranty2-year warranty

As those documents are supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over their language.

Items included in the box :

1 2 Port PCI-Express Serial Card
2 Low Profile Brackets
1 Driver CD
1 Instruction Manual


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