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C2G 50 Watt Audio Amplifier - 25/70V - Plenum Rated - Amplificateur - 50 Watt (Totale)


C2G 50 Watt Audio Amplifier - 25/70V - Plenum Rated - Amplificateur - 50 Watt (Totale)

Manufacturier: C2G(CABLESTOGO)
Item Inso: 3706185
Sku: 40881

The 25/70V 50W audio amplifier is the ideal solution for supporting a distributed audio system in a classroom, conference room or other environment that requires installation in a plenum space. This amplifier supplies 50 watts of power, 25 watts per channel, and is built to an industry standard 25/70-volt design. This amplifier supports many advanced features which make it a perfect fit for most applications. Audio systems installed in commercial environments are susceptible to noise caused by an electrical ground loop. This will often manifest as a hum or buzz through the system. This amplifier features noise reduction technology on both the 3.5mm and RCA Stereo Audio inputs. This noise reduction eliminates the interference and allows the audio signal to pass through. After five minutes without a signal, the amplifier will enter standby mode providing energy savings. The amplifier will wake from standby mode automatically when a signal is received.

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Description du produitC2G 50 Watt Audio Amplifier - 25/70V - Plenum Rated - amplificateur
Type de ProduitAmplificateur
Spécifications audioAmplificateur - 100 - 20000 Hz - 80 dB
Alimentation de sortie50 Watt
AlimentationCA 120/230 V / CC 12 V
Dimensions (LxPxH)10.95 cm x 11.53 cm x 3.78 cm
Poids1.65 kg
Garantie du fabricant1 an de garantie


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