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Microsoft SQL Server Standard Core Edition


Microsoft SQL Server Standard Core Edition - License & software assurance - 2 cores - academic - Open Value Subscription - level E - additional product, annual fee - Win - All Languages

Manufacturer: Microsoft
Item Inso: 3279025
Sku: 7NQ-00050

Get basic data management and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources.

As this text is supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over its language.

Product DescriptionMicrosoft SQL Server Standard Core Edition - license & software assurance - 2 cores
Product TypeLicense & software assurance
CategoryBusiness applications - databases / database tools
License Qty2 cores
License PricingAcademic, volume / level E
Licensing ProgramMicrosoft Open Value Subscription
Licensing DetailsAdditional product, annual fee
LanguageAll Languages
Service & SupportNew releases update


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