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Epson Network Scan Module - Scanner server - 10/100 Ethernet - for Epson DS-6500, DS-7500; WorkForce DS-50000, DS-5500, DS-60000, DS-6500, DS-70000, DS-7500


Epson Network Scan Module - Scanner server - 10/100 Ethernet - for Epson DS-6500, DS-7500; WorkForce DS-50000, DS-5500, DS-60000, DS-6500, DS-70000, DS-7500

Manufacturer: Epson
Item Inso: 3349811
Sku: B12B808411

When used in conjunction with WorkForce document scanners, the EPSON Network Scan Module takes the place of your scanner's control panel. Just remove a few screws, using the included screwdriver, to unlock the front control panel on your scanner, and replace it with the module. Document capture pro comes standard with all compatible scanners.

As this text is supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over its language.

Product DescriptionEpson Network Scan Module - scanner server - 10/100 Ethernet
Device TypeScanner server
Form FactorExternal
Ports10/100 Ethernet
Dimensions (WxDxH)15.9 cm x 8.3 cm x 7 cm
Weight318 g
Cabling TypeEthernet 10Base-T, Ethernet 100Base-TX, Ethernet 1000Base-T
Data Link Protocol10Mb LAN, 100Mb LAN, 1GbE
Data Transfer Rate1000 Mbps
System RequirementsMicrosoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Microsoft Windows Vista, Apple MacOS X 10.5.x, Apple MacOS X 10.6.x, Apple MacOS X 10.7.x
Manufacturer Warranty1-year warranty
Designed ForEpson DS-6500, DS-7500; WorkForce DS-50000, DS-50000N, DS-5500, DS-5500N, DS-60000, DS-60000N, DS-6500, DS-6500N, DS-70000, DS-70000N, DS-7500, DS-7500N

Items included in the box :

Epson Network Scan Module
Mounting kit


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