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Apple Power Adapter Extension Cable


Apple Power Adapter Extension Cable - Power extension cable - NEMA 5-15 (M) - 1.83 m - United States - for MagSafe, MagSafe 2, USB-C

Manufacturer: Apple
Item Inso: 3693172
Sku: MK122LL/A

The Power Adapter Extension Cable is an AC extension cord that provides extra length for your Apple power adapter. Use it with MagSafe and MagSafe 2 power adapters and 10W, 12W, and 29W USB power adapters.

As this text is supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over its language.

Product DescriptionApple Power Adapter Extension Cable - power extension cable - NEMA 5-15 - 1.83 m
TypePower extension cable
Length1.83 m
LocalizationUnited States
ConnectorPower NEMA 5-15 - male
Designed ForMacBook (Early 2015, Early 2016, Mid 2017); MacBook Air (Late 2018, Mid 2019), with Retina display (Early 2020, Late 2018, Mid 2019); MacBook Pro (Late 2016, Late 2019, Mid 2017, Mid 2018, Mid 2019)


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