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Sonnet ThunderLok (Thunderbolt Connector Retainer Lock) - Attache-cable (pack de 2)


Sonnet ThunderLok (Thunderbolt Connector Retainer Lock) - Attache-cable (pack de 2)

Manufacturier: Sonnet
Item Inso: 4604171
Sku: TB-LOK2

Thunderbolt connectors are held in place by friction. While that works well in situations where equipment remains undisturbed while operating, when there's a chance of movement nearby, there's a chance the Thunderbolt cable can be unintentionally unplugged, possibly leading to loss of your work or data. To solve this problem, Sonnet designed the ThunderLok, a Thunderbolt connector retainer clip, to prevent accidental cable disconnections from many of Sonnet's current Thunderbolt products. It is easy to install and use - just slide it over one end of the cable, and then plug in the connector and secure it to the product by turning a thumbscrew. Because of its unique design, ThunderLok does not attach to the connector, but remains on the cable so it won't get lost when not in use.

Ce texte étant fourni par le manufacturier, nous n'avons aucun contrôle sur la langue de celui-ci.

Description du produitSonnet ThunderLok (Thunderbolt Connector Retainer Lock) - attache-câble
Type de produitAttache-câble
Quantité emballée2 (les spécifications se rapportent à un seul article)
Garantie du fabricant1 an de garantie


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