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Lexmark - Waste toner collector LCCP - for Lexmark C2132, C540, C543, C544, C546, CV540, CV546, CX410, CX510, X543, X544, X546, X548


Lexmark - Waste toner collector LCCP - for Lexmark C2132, C540, C543, C544, C546, CV540, CV546, CX410, CX510, X543, X544, X546, X548

Manufacturer: Lexmark
Item Inso: 612101
Sku: C540X75G

Yield: Up to 18,000 color pages or 36,000 black pages based on approximately 5% coverage per color at factory default settings.

As this text is supplied by the manufacturer, we have no control over its language.

Product DescriptionLexmark - waste toner collector - LCCP
Product TypeWaste toner collector
Printing TechnologyLaser
YieldUp to 36000 pages at 5% coverage (black only)
Pricing TypeLexmark Cartridge Collection Program
Compatible withLexmark C2132, C540, C543, C544, C546, CS310, CS317, CS410, CS417, CS510, CS517, CV540, CV546, CX310, CX317, CX410, CX417, CX510, CX517, X543, X544, X546, X548, XC2130, XC2132, XS544, XS548, XV544


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